Saturday, November 10, 2012

Getting started is Easy!

If you want to get started crossfitting, it's easy!  Just call Mike at (302) 222-7487 or email him at mgeorgules@yahoo.com to let him know that you will be coming to a beginners fundamental session on any Tuesday or Thursday at 5:30pm or Sundays at 11am.  If those times don't seem to work, other arrangements can be made to get you started at a more convenient time.....don't hesitate when it comes to your health!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beginners Class

Our next CrossFit for Beginners Class starts Tuesday October 16th at 5:30pm.  If you want to get started on our CrossFit training program, this popular class is a must!...learn at your own pace and unlock your potential!

To register or get more info:  call (302) 222-7487 or email: mgeorgules@yahoo.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge was a blast!

I just want to send out a HUGE congratulations to all the athletes who competed in the
Eastern Shore Affiliate Challenge....it was a fun day.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beginners Class starts again soon!

The next CrossFit for Beginners Class starts Tuesday September 25th....It has been an extremely successful course that has already helped many new CrossFit beginners learn the basics at their own pace.....Call (302) 222-7487 to register or get more info.

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Hours Added to the Schedule

We have added GROUP Training times on Tuesday and Thursday at 6am and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:15pm.. Also, new OPEN GYM time: Sunday from 10am to 12pm...see you turkeys there!

Click on the link to "Hours and Schedule" for the complete list.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Next CrossFit for Beginners Class

The next CrossFit for Beginners Class begins on September 4th at 5:30pm.  It is an excellent way to learn the basics before jumping completely into regular Group Training at CFSA.  Call (302) 222-7487 or email mgeorgules@yahoo.com to get more info or register for the class.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ATTENTION: CrossFit for Beginners Class Starts on August 14th

If you are new to CrossFit, tentative to start or just unsure of your ability...no worries!

.....Our CrossFit for Beginners Program is right for YOU.  We will teach the basic elements of CrossFit at a pace that you can handle initially.  The course is extremely valuable because it will show that anyone of any age, shape, size or physical ability can benefit from CrossFit.  More importantly, it is done in a small group environment with an emphasis placed on teaching and preparing attendees for the challenges of a typical CrossFit Training session... basically, it takes all the mystery and jitters away!  Come prepared to learn and workout.   The next CrossFit for Beginners Class starts on August 14th at 5:30pm and classes run through August 23rd.

To Register or get More Info:

Contact Mike at: (302) 222-7487  -or-  mgeorgules@yahoo.com

Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Attention Serious Student Athletes! Become Stronger, Faster, Powerful

10 Week Summer Strength and Conditioning Camp for Serious High School/College Athletes

Starting on June 11th we will be hosting a 10 week summer strength and conditioning camp for SERIOUS male and female student athletes at the high school and college level.  If you play a sport that requires strength and power (ALL sports do!), then this camp is right for you.  The only absolute requirement is that you must be focused, willing to work as hard as you possibly can and attend the 1 hour team training sessions at least 3-4 times per week.

The training focus will be on systematically building raw strength with core lifts:  squat, deadlift and press.  Additionally, power will be developed training the olympic lifts: snatch, clean & jerk.  Conditioning and skill work will also be built in the program.

The Athletes Performance Staff is comprised of Kent County's most experienced team of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists, CrossFit Trainers and Sports Therapists.

Starts: June 11, 2012
Ends: August 15, 2012

Training Schedule:  Monday, Tuesday &  Fridays afternoons and Saturday mornings.

Head Coaches: Mike Georgules, CMT CF-L1  &  Mike Judy, CSCS.

Cost:  Registration is $400 for the entire 10 Week program.

SPECIAL OFFER:  For the first 10 Athletes registered....Only $299

To register or get more info contact: 

PHONE: (302) 222-7487 -or-  EMAIL: mgeorgules@yahoo.com

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Friday Night Lights

Come One, Come All!!!!...Join the members of CrossFit Sweat Angel on Friday, May 11th for the first rendition of our summer "Friday Night Lights." Bring a friend and/or family member to hit the 5:30pm group WOD, followed by food and fun with your affiliate. Even if you are unable to workout, come for the social festivities and get to know your fellow athletes and their families. This is a family affair...kids are welcome!! If you are planning on coming or need more info, contact us soon.... Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 23, 2012

LIKE your Low Back & DE-FRIEND Pain and Dysfunction

You may have had a long WOD with tons of deadlifts or box jumps and feel compressed or fatigued in the lower back.  Don't let those tissues marinate in that crappy position!

The tissues are only going to get worse the longer you take to mobilze them and overlook the "cause" of the problem.  It may be caused by a functional leg length discrepency because of fallen arches in the foot, short rectus femoris/psoas or even poor muscle activation in the gluteals, all of which will lead to unbalanced lumbopelvic musculature...most likely a tight and pissed off quadratus lumborum:

Try this jumpstretch band mobility technique to treat the low back SYMPTOM and then find a soft-tissue therapist to evaluate, identify and then develop a treatment plan to address the CAUSE.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is it Friday yet?

Starting April 20th there will be an 8am Group Training Class added to the schedule for Fridays! Be there or be square.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

IASTM treatment for pain and muscle tightness in crossfit athlete

Here is a great example of how Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization can address a pain or dysfunction for an athlete and have them back in action in a matter of minutes.  Pretty remarkable if you ask me.  Scar tissue, adhesions and lesions are not our friends... don't let them slow you down!   Visit your performance based soft tissue therapist, who truly understands your sport, to get you healthy and back in the game. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ROCKTAPE...live pain free and go stronger, longer

Maybe you are living with persistent pain or discomfort. Maybe you are having trouble just moving. Or maybe you have an athletic event, race or competition approaching and fear that you may lack the strength, endurance or power to have your best performance and avoid injury. When fatigue sets in, body mechanics in any sporting event or even life will diminish quickly. This makes you more susceptible to decreased power, performance and even injury. ROCKTAPE can help with this problem but offering kinesthetic awareness to taped muscles and fascia allowing an athlete or patient increase contractile potential by the taped structure.

ROCKTAPE offers the therapist a new option for injury rehab for a patient. Best used in conjunction with soft tissue and massage manipulations, the patient can get the benefit of fascial support and stretch for up to 5 days because the tape can stay on that long even under clothes and after showers. ROCKTAPE differs from traditional Kinesiotaping in that they train their certified RocDocs to tape not only muscles but movements as well. Understanding human movements and addressing the fascial lines is important for the practitioner when applying the tape.

Fascia can be described by using and orange as an example. The rind represents the human skin...and the wedges represent the muscle...the white film surrounding the wedges and the rest of the center represents the fascia. Fascia surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, nerve and vessel in the body from head to toe. ROCKTAPE has the ability to change the fascia by providing a consistent, light stretch and lift to the skin and the underlying tissue and fascia. This stretching and lifting can have a profound effect on the body's ability to reduce fatigue, inflammation and swelling as well as provide support and increase blood flow to the tissues to aid in rehabilitation.

Overall ROCKTAPE is effectively backed by scientific research for rehabilitation and performance. It should be considered as a treatment option for any competitive athlete, weekend warrior, CrossFitter, triathlete/runner/cyclist, golfer etc.. or average joe living with pain or discomfort. ROCKTAPE is not a miracle but it's darn close!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How and why your body gets "FUZZ"

Here is a very helpful video explanation from Dr. Gil Hedley about fascial (connective tissue) restrictions in the body and why the body loses flexibility and becomes "stiff"...even more of a reason to talk to your manual therapist and roll around on that lacrosse ball!!

Enjoy...beware of cadaver images....relax people ... It's just a dead person...



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Group WOD Added to the schedule!

Starting next week on February 28th new group classes @ 8am and Noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays are being added to the schedule....come join our team!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Sweat Coming in March!

Keep checking back for class schedule updates and additions coming in March. Morning and midday group WODs will be added soon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When is a Massage more than a Massage?

If you have ever gotten a massage, you most certainly understand how enjoyable and relaxing it can be. But what if you only care about being a faster, stronger more complete athlete? Then you should consider a soft-tissue treatment/massage designed to reduce adhesions and scar tissue buildup from sport related overuse. Techniques like ART, pin and stretch, or instrument assisted soft-tissue mobilization are designed to address these dysfunctional tissues and begin to remodel them. Now combine this with some neuromuscular stretching, corrective exercise and mobility work and BAM!!.... You are able to access new positions previously limited by immobile muscles and joints and watch your strength numbers go up and your CrossFit WOD time drop like a rock! Ask your manual therapist if he uses any of these techniques and go get some work done and break some personal records!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Come get your Halo on!

Come join us this Saturday 1/21/12 at 9:30am at Sweat Angel for a friends and newcomers WOD (workout of the day for those of you who aren't familiar with CrossFit terminology:))  It is free to anyone interested in joining us for a tough but rewarding workout!  Come dressed to move either indoors and/or outdoors...I look forward to seeing you all there!


MON: AM Training TBA    OPEN 4:00-5:30pm    GROUP 5:30-6:30pm
TUES: AM Training TBA   OPEN GYM 4:30-7:00pm
WED: AM Training TBA    OPEN 4:00-5:30pm    GROUP 5:30-6:30pm
THUR: AM Training TBA  OPEN GYM 4:30-7:00pm
FRI: AM Training TBA       OPEN 4:00-5:30pm     GROUP 5:30-6:30pm
SAT: GROUP 9:30-10:30am  New Athlete Orientation 10:30-11:15am