Monday, April 23, 2012

LIKE your Low Back & DE-FRIEND Pain and Dysfunction

You may have had a long WOD with tons of deadlifts or box jumps and feel compressed or fatigued in the lower back.  Don't let those tissues marinate in that crappy position!

The tissues are only going to get worse the longer you take to mobilze them and overlook the "cause" of the problem.  It may be caused by a functional leg length discrepency because of fallen arches in the foot, short rectus femoris/psoas or even poor muscle activation in the gluteals, all of which will lead to unbalanced lumbopelvic musculature...most likely a tight and pissed off quadratus lumborum:

Try this jumpstretch band mobility technique to treat the low back SYMPTOM and then find a soft-tissue therapist to evaluate, identify and then develop a treatment plan to address the CAUSE.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is it Friday yet?

Starting April 20th there will be an 8am Group Training Class added to the schedule for Fridays! Be there or be square.